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RCTHRC-“Christmas in JULY” @ Toolleen "RIDE is now FULL"

RCTHRC-“Christmas in JULY” @ Toolleen
RCTHRC-“Christmas in JULY” @ Toolleen "RIDE is now FULL"
Jul 18

RCTHRC-“Christmas in JULY” @ Toolleen "RIDE is now FULL"

Event Info
Category: Victorian Event
Date & Time: Jul 18 2014 at 12:00 AM - Jul 20 2014 at 04:00 PM

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  • Discription

    Riddells Creek Trail Horse Riding Club Inc.

    Reg No AOOO2157C


    “Christmas in JULY”@ Toolleen

    July 19th-20th

    "RIDE is now FULL"

    Nominations/Enquiries: Lloyd Fletcher ph. 0400 668 020

    Email: rcthrc1@hotmail.com


    Chris Haber:0437 852 869 (Enquires)

    This ride is ONLY open to current RCTHRC members.

    Non-Riding Family & friends welcome!

    RCTHRCride rules apply

    Numbers are limited, so PLEASE get your nominations in early

                                   You can arrive Friday afternoon if you wish. We’ll be camping across the road from the Toolleen pub on the public reserve, so please be self-sufficient for a full weekend of camping for both you & your horse, including drinking water. Water for the horses, flushing toilets and a small undercover area with a BBQ are available at the reserve, we also have the use of the ‘Big Shed’ behind the pub for the dinner on Saturday night. Please let us know if you plan to have a meal at the pub Friday night so that we can give the publican a heads-up on numbers.  There are trees on the reserve should you wish to night-line your horse, otherwise it’s b.y.o. yards (hot or hard). If your horse is un-accustomed to hot-tape yards, RCTHRC recommends you familiarise your horse with it prior to arriving, as the reserve is on the corner of the main road and there is no fencing around the reserve should your horse escape. Manure must be spread and any rubbish taken home with you.

    Please do not use the hard-yards on the corner opposite the pub.

    What’s included·        Saturday trail ride.

    ·        Saturday night 2 course meal of Bush Steak or Parma & home-made desserts.

    ·        Live Saturday night entertainment & as much Fun as you can handle.

    ·        Please don’t forget to indicate if you are Vegetarian when nominating.


    Saturday trail ride

     Horseless muster @ 9.30am, ride out 10.00am (Saddle Bag Lunch)


                           * Horses that are known to kick MUST wear a red ribbon in their tail.

                         * Horses must be reasonably fit and well-shod or have suitably conditioned hooves.

                          * Do not pass the ride leader or fall behind the drag rider without his/her permission.

                           * Always leave one horse length in between each horse.

                           * Always ensure to keep the horse in front of you in sight.

                          * Under 18's must be accompanied by an adult and wear an approved riding helmet.

                  * It is the rider’s responsibility to inform the ride leader/organizer of any medical conditions that he/she may have.

                            * RCTHRC recommends that all riders have ambulance cover.

                                                                                     * No Stallions

                            * Dogs are permitted at your camp but must be kept on a lead & under control at all times.

    Feel free to ride Sunday; however this will not be an ATHRA sanctioned ride, so you will be riding at your own risk.


    $50 RCTHRC Members (Riders & or Campers/Non-Riders)

                              $25 RCTHRC Members under 15 (child) (Riders & or Campers/Non-Riders)


    Numbers are limited, so PLEASE get your nominations in early

    For catering purposes nominations are required by

    Monday 14th July 2014.


    MELWAYS REF. Map 609 H2

    The Toolleen Hotel is on the Northern Highway approx. 25kms from Heathcote heading towards Elmore/Echuca.

    .Toolleen Hotel, TOOLLEEN, VIC

    Cnr Northern Hwy and Cornella Rd

    Toolleen VIC 3551. Ph. 5433 6220


    I/we will be attending theRCTHRC “Christmas in JULY”at Toolleen - July 19th & 20th 2014


    Contact Number.....................................

    Friday night meal at pub at your costyes / no                     Vegetarianyes / no

    Non-Riding Attendee   yes / no.

    Current ATHRA member No_ _ _ _ _               Riding Saturday trail rideyes / no.

    ATHRA club name   .....................................................................................

    Amount enclosed(if applicable) ................................or Date of Direct-Deposit............................



    Direct Bank Deposit info:

    A/C Name: RCTHRC


    Bank: CBA.     BSB: 063 840        A/C: 1028 9173

    Please insert yourSurname & Christmas in theReference Column

    Or post to


    3 Kevin Crt,

    Melton Sth, 3338





  • Category
    Victorian Event
  • Location & full address
    Toolleen - Victoria
  • Date & Time
    Jul 18 2014 at 12:00 AM - Jul 20 2014 at 04:00 PM
  • Event Admins
    Riddells Creek Trail Horse Riding Club



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